Aheh or Eheh or Eh Eh or Eh are often heard when talking to the Naija....

A sign of confirm or mere saying "I hear you and understand".

Come to think of it, everyone does it... No? Different sound, same meaning...I use "ek" or "uhuh" or even "mmmhmmmm" a lot!

Thursday, 31 December 2015

MALAYSIA: Kuala Lumpur: Mama

When my mum gave me the message urging me to come home sounding distressed...

I just simply went under the radar.

It has been 6 weeks since my mum was admitted in UMMC (University Malaya Medical Centre). I just simply stop writing. By the way there, were other things to do too. In between there were other programs, day and night...but last week on her insistence...oh how she insist, that I start posting again. So, squeezing every ounce of creative juice to come up with a suitable topic to talk about.

Mum is diabetic. It has been under control, until recently. Through the siblings’ WhatsApp group, we discussed about her condition.