Aheh or Eheh or Eh Eh or Eh are often heard when talking to the Naija....

A sign of confirm or mere saying "I hear you and understand".

Come to think of it, everyone does it... No? Different sound, same meaning...I use "ek" or "uhuh" or even "mmmhmmmm" a lot!

Wednesday 12 September 2018

INDONESIA: Bandung - One last visit....

Some say the bond between human so strong that once the loved one left, the other tend to follow not long after that.

Mak Cik Su and Hazim (eid 2015)
My sister and I traveled to Bandung, Indonesia last April when we got news that our 'aunt Su' or Mak Cik Su, the one  who took care of Hazim and all of us for 27years became ill. I flew in all the way from Lagos, Nigeria and took a low cost carrier, Air Asia to Bandung. The closest city we could get to reach her. We hired a driver there and the journey from Bandung to Pamanukan took almost 4 hours by car. 

The journey through rain took us to a very hilly region till we arrived in Subang where the scenery changed from tea plantation to paddy fields. The harvesting season just came to an end and they lit up the fields to prepare for the next round of planting; the area was choked with smoke. 

Finally we arrived at our destination. Walked a few metres to a small green house which she called home. Her frail body was on the bed and a standing fan was blowing air slowly. The room was smoky from the open burning and no window shutter ... I wept bitterly. She was just skin and bones. 

There was some wound on her feet and it didn't look ok. I messaged Kak Puspa and we agree the wound could cause trouble. Sepsis... came to mind. There and then, we decided to bring her back to Malaysia. After all, we know the drill. Our family is so accustomed to hospitals that it was practically our second home to us, in a good way though. Hazim was the reason we were so good at it. We had 30yrs of practice....imagine that. 

We forged a plan to bring her back, fly her in as visitor to seek treatment in KL. You see, she was with us under the working permit by the Embassy to be in Malaysia. Since she is illiterate, and her working permit long expired...it could prove quite difficult to fly her in...but my dad is champion at getting things done at the Embassy in KL. He has the patient.  In the meantime, we bought a month supply of milk, adult diapers and necessary items for her. We promised her we will see her again, back in KL soon.

Both of us flew back to Malaysia on the 20th and made arrangements for Mak Cik Su. 

22nd, Sunday: A message from her friend (Ibu Ratem, ibu means mother) - She neither drink nor eat. Not much response, lying on her bed. Now we are reciting the Holy Quran at her house. 

We did the same in KL, we hope she was just tired and will be ok.

23rd, Monday: Ibu Ratem rang my sister. Mak Cik's is weak. Called ambulance, 5am.

7am: Mak Cik had left to meet her maker. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un - To Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return

Buried at the village's cemetery at about 9.30am. 

Mama - 18th June 2016
Hazim - 17th August 2017
Mak Cik Su - 23rd April 2018

All three together in a picture (Mak Cik Su partly hidden)

Verily Allah knows best and He is the best planner. 

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